You've Got Tail! is the self-published, independent comic written by Caitlin Moriarity and drawn by Jen Patton. We've been working on this series for about six years or so, and have to date published four mini-comics. It originally started out as a webcomic, and we even had a site on Keenspace for a while. We still hadn't gotten around to launching it the webcomic in 2004 when I suggested to Baka that we put together a printed mini-comic for Wizard World LA, to advertise for the eventual webcomic.

The cover to our first comic. We printed this up at no cost to us thanks to my student account at Mizzou. I told my parents I had to make copies of important articles for my thesis. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Well, the comic was a hit, and we did a second mini-comic for Wizard World Chicago. We got a table and everything and sold copies.

And people bought them! I was floored! Not that I didn't think that we had a good product, but we were in Artist's Alley, going up against indie greats like Dave Crosland and Jim Mahfood. Not only did we sell our comic, but Baka and I were interviewed for Funny Geek TV, a local Chicago cable access TV show. The Funny Geeks told us they picked us out because we were two women doing a comic. Hell yeah, grrl power rocks!

I have to admit, we had one great stroke of luck. Our table was right next to the Wizard Edge booth. Wizard Edge is Wizard's biannual publication that covers indie comics. So pretty much every one in Artist's Alley, and artists who were there to network but didn't have their own tables, came by the Wizard Edge booth that weekend and saw us right next to it. You can't buy advertising like that.

So after that, we decided to drop the webcomic idea and are working on turning You've Got Tail into a full-fledged comic book miniseries. Our third mini-comic premiered at the 2005 Wizard World LA, and was our best work yet. People really responded, especially to our story "How to Pick Up Geek Women," as told by two actual geek women.

In 2012, we republished our first three minicomics as a "minibus", and Jen hand-colored the cover.

Sadly real life got in the way for a while, plus an overwhelming need to eat and pay rent. But we're back!

Copyright © 2012-2024 C. Moriarity & J. Patton